Monday, 30 December 2013


This year two new sovereigns were sworn in: in April King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands succeeded his mother Queen Beatrix after her abdication and in July King Philippe of the Belgians followed his father King Albert II after his.
Amsterdam, 30 April 2013: King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima, Princess Beatrix, Princess Alexia, the Princess of Orange and Princess Ariane © RVD; picture: Jeroen van der Meyde
A major event of the year was the birth of the first child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Not only in the UK an heir was born, the German pretender, Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia and his wife Sophie, welcomed twin boys in January 2013. In December Hereditary Prince Christian zu Fürstenberg and his wife had their first child, a son.

A few marriages this year: in June Hereditary Prince Maximilian of Hohenlohe-Bartenstein married in Rome Cristina Vozzi-Castriota-Scanderbeg. Two Spanish heiresses married as well: the eldest daughter of the Duque de Abrantes, Doña Ana Luisa de Zuleta y Pérez de Guzman, Marquesa de Sardoal, married in March in Sevilla Don José Luis Fernández de Mesa y Moyano, through his mother Doña Maria José Moyano y Álvarez de Toledo, 10.Condesa de Villahermosa del Pinar, a descendant of the Duques de Medina Sidonia. The eldest granddaughter of the Duquesa de Osuna and probably once the holder of this prestigious Spanish title, Doña Angela Maria de Ulloa y Solis-Beaumont, 21.Condesa de Ureña, married in April in Madrid lawyer Jesús Gregorio Casas Cardenal.

This year many deaths, the highest placed one was Landgrave Moritz of Hesse (86 years old). In Italy died in March Don Lodovico Gallarati-Scotti, 6.Principe di Molfetta (89), in August Don Pietro Paolo Sallier de la Tour Beccadelli, 12.Principe di Camporeale and 7.Principe di Castelcicala (85), in September Duca e Conte Don Ferdinando Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona, Principe di Piedimonte (89) and in October Don Gherardo Artico 19.Fürst v. Porcia (68).
In Spain in August the woman passed away who held after the Duquesa de Alba the most titles in Spain, Doña Victoria Eugenia Fernández de Córdova y Fernández de Henestrosa, 18.Duquesa de Medinaceli, Duquesa de Camiña, de Ciudad Real, de Denia, de Tarifa y de Alcalá de los Gazules, 96 years old, surviving three of her four children. The same month Don Gonzalo Fernández de Córdova y Larios, 10.Duque de Arión and 4.Duque de Cánovas del Castillo (79) died. In October Don Juan Manuel Cavero de Carondelet y Bally, 6.Duque de Bailén (85) and in November Don Eduardo Espinosa de los Monteros y Español, 5.Duque de Dato (82).
In 2013 died as well Michał 7.Fürst Sapieha-Kodeński (83) and Andrew Konstantinovitch Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky (96).

In December 2013 the anachronistic union of the two branches of the Georgian Royal family was announced to be over after four years and the birth of a son and heir. After less than two years Charles Innes-Ker, Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford, heir of the Duke of Roxburghe, and his wife Hon. Charlotte Susanna Aitken, daughter of Lord Beaverbrook, divorced in May. The next month saw the end of the marriage of the titular Grandduke of Tuscany, Archduke Sigismund of Austria, and his wife Elyssa Edmonstone (of the baronets), after 13 years.

What will 2014 bring? Several heirs have already relationships for some time, which could result in a wedding. For instance Grandduke Georgi Romanov, heir to the Russian Imperial throne, and Rebecca Bettarini, daughter of the former Italian ambassador in Luxemburg and Brussels. And Archduke Amedeo of Austria-Este, Prince of Belgium, heir of the Duchy of Modena, and Lili Rosboch, whose father Ettore was the natural son of Don Filippo Caracciolo, Principe di Castagneto. And when are Leka II Pretender to the Albanian throne and his fiancée finally getting married?


The family Oppenheim is a German banking dynasty from Cologne with as eldest ancestor Lazarus Samuel Oppenheim (+ 1647). His descendant banker Simon Oppenheim (1803-1880) was created an Austrian Freiherr on 18-3-1867 (confirmed in Prussia 14-2-1868).

1a. August Freiherr v. Oppenheim * …
1b. Hugo Freiherr v. Oppenheim * …


2. Christopher Alfred Freiherr v. Oppenheim * Keulen 25-9-1965; Banker
x ...
3. Gabriele Mittelsten Scheid * 18-12-1966


4. Alfred Paul Ernst Freiherr v. Oppenheim * Keulen 5-5-1934 + Keulen 5-1-2005; Banker
x New York 24-2-1962
5. Jeane Miriam Wahl * New York 15-1-1941
6. Georg Werner (Jörg) Mittelsten Scheid * Wuppertal-Elberfeld 7-5-1936; Director of Vorwerk 1969-2005; xII Tutzing 29-12-1988 Vivica Gravin zu Stolberg-Wernigerode * München 14-9-1959
xI ... (divorced)
7. Ulrike Fritsche * 1939


8. Friedrich Carl Simon Alfred Freiherr v. Oppenheim * Keulen 5-10-1900 + Keulen-Marienburg 22-11-1978
x Düsseldorf 4-7-1931
9. Ruth Helene Margarethe Freiin v. Zedlitz u. Leipe * Düsseldorf 2-4-1908 + Keulen 11-5-1988
10. Stephan Wahl * Hungary 1902; Dr. med., emigrated in 1936 to USA
x ...
11. Ruth Johanna Mariette Beschorner * Berlijn 1914
12. August Werner Mittelsten Scheid * Barmen 26-4-1904 + Hamburg 16-9-1953; Director of Vorwerk 1943-1953
xI Vallendar 14-7-1933 (divorced)
13. Gertraud Schreyögg * München 28-6-1907 + Wuppertal 22-2-2007; xII … Walter Harald Frowein * 1900 + 1978


16. Simon Alfred Franz Emil Freiherr v. Oppenheim * Keulen 26-6-1864 + Keulen 15-2-1932
x Londen 21-1-1890
17. Florence Mathews Hutchins * New York 3-4-1868 + Keulen 2-6-1935
18. Paul Salomo Hans Heinrich Eugen Freiherr v. Zedlitz u. Leipe * Berlijn 29-1-21864 + Ast 2-3-1950
xI Berlijn 19-11-1906 (gescheiden 1913)
19. Catharina (Käthe) Dierig * Ober-Düsseldorf 8-3-1886 + Landshut 17-2-1961; Her sister Helene D. * 24-2-1888 x Konstanz 18-5-1907 Heinrich Hermann Hasso v. Wedel * Metz 3-8-1881
24. Carl August Mittelsten Scheid * Barmen 25-4-1871 + Wipperfürth 25-2-1955; Director of Vorwerk 1904-1943
x Barmen 6-7-1899
25. Marie Mathilde Vorwerk * Barmen 18-6-1876 + Wipperfürth 16-2-1949
26. Georg Schreyögg * Aitrang 13-8-1870 + München 7-7-1934; Sculptor
x Ehrenbreitstein 5-3-1905 (rel. Besselich 11-3-1905)
27. Elisabeth Agnes Emilie Emma v. Barton gen. v. Stedman * 1881 + Mittenwald 25-9-1957; Her brother Karl v. Barton gen. v. Stedman (* Ettlingen 30-9-1875 + Neustrelitz 30-9-1933) x Dresden 8-5-1928 May Jametel, sed. 26-1-1910 Gräfin v. Nemerow (* Saint-Germain-en-Laye 11-9-1905 + Besselich 24-9-1969)


32. Eduard Salomon Freiherr v. Oppenheim * Keulen 3-8-1831 + Keulen 15-1-1909
x Keulen 3-8-1859
33. Amalie Aurelie Heuser * Keulen 29-5-1835 + Kissingen 5-6-1903
34. Francis W. Hutchins * Conn. 17-5-1829 + 2-7-1885; Dry goods merchant in New York
x …
35. Adelaide Williams * Savannah, Georgia …; xII … Henry Parkinson Sharp * …
36. Adolf Ferdinand Karl Wilhelm Freiherr v. Zedlitz u. Leipe * Zülzendorf 15-3-1826 + Berlijn 13-5-1906
x Berlijn 3-2-1858
37. Hélène Baronne Nothomb * Brussel 24-2-1837 + Liegnitz 15-5-1919
38. Philipp Dierig * ...
x …
39. Margarethe Hilbert * …
48. Friedrich August Emil Mittelsten Scheid * Barmen 7-1-1837 + Barmen 27-11-1911; Bandfabrikant
x Elberfeld 16-5-1870
49. Mathilde Emilie Schniewind * Elberfeld 30-9-1840 + Barmen 11-3-1926
50. Carl Vorwerk * Barmen 26-2-1847 + Barmen 7-3-1907; Founder Barmer Teppichfabrik Vorwerk & Co.
x Barmen 3-8-1875
51. Cecile Blank * Camberwell, Surrey 14-2-1855 + Barmen 12-1-1928
52. Mathäus Schreyögg * 1831; Gastwirt und Bäckermeister
x …
53. Kreszentia Marie Jörg * 1833 + 1909
54. Robert Karl Johann Friedrich v. Barton gen. v. Stedman * Besselich 18-3-1844 + Nauheim 24-7-1884, auf Besselich
x Hannover 27-10-1874
55. Elisabeth Kraul * Hannover 10-9-1856 + Besselich 19-1-1945


64. Simon since 18-3-1867 Freiherr v. Oppenheim * Keulen 5-6-1803 + Keulen 24-12-1880; Bankier; since 1870 of Schlenderhahn; Zn van bankier Salomon O. en Therese Stein (Deigen Levi)
x Günzburg 19-10-1830
65. Henriette Obermayer * Augsburg 3-3-1812 + Keulen 30-3-1885; Dr van Isidor O. en Nanette Kusel
66. Franz Heuser * Gummersbach 27-12-1803 + Rome 4-4-1870; Zn van Peter Georg H. en Johanna Wagner
x Gummersbach 22-5-1828
67. Aurelie Striebeck * Marienheide-Gimborn 28-3-1805 + Keulen 1841; Dr van
68. Samuel Hutchins * ...; Zn van
xII Killingly, Conn. 10-5-1829
69. Almira Bassett * 1803/04 + 13-7-1885; Dr van John B. en Lucy Walker
70. ; van
71. ; van
72. August Freiherr v. Zedlitz u. Leipe * Teichenau 1-3-1789 + Zülzendorf 1-6-1873; Zn van Friedrich Otto Ferdinand Freiherr v. Z. u. L. en Helene Friederike Johanna v. Erlach
x Blumenau 25-6-1821
73. Jenny Gräfin v. Roedern * Schöneiche 8-4-1798 + Zülzendorf 22-6-1879; Dr van Erdmann Graf v. R. en Caroline Gräfin v. Reichenbach-Goschütz
74. Jean Baptiste since 9-4-1853 Baron Nothomb * Messancy 3-7-1805 + Berlijn 16-9-1881; Belgian prime minister 1841-1845; Zn van Jean Baptiste N. en Hélène Schouweiler
x 23-5-1836
75. Wilhelmine Boch * 1811 + 1887; Dr van Jean François B. en Rosalie Buschmann
76. ; van
77. ; van
78. ; van
79. ; van
80. ; van
81. ; van
82. ; van
83. ; van
84. ; van
85. ; van
86. ; van
87. ; van
88. ; van
89. ; van
90. ; van
91. ; van
92. ; van
93. ; van
94. ; van
95. ; van
96. Karl August Mittelsten Scheid * Wichlinghausen 19-10-1808 + Wichlinghausen 19-10-1879; Zn van Friedrich M. S. en Sara Luise Christiane d’Antrin
x Barmen 28-5-1834
97. Johanna Sophie Charlotte Brechtefeld * Wupperfeld 2-1-1808 + Wichlinghausen 8-8-1852; Dr van
98. Heinrich Ernst Schniewind * Elberfeld 6-12-1813 + Elberfeld 18-11-1895; Seidenfabrikant; Zn van Heinrich Ernst S. en Johanna Henriette Friederike Joest
x Remscheid-Lennep 27-11-1839
99. Mathilde Fuhrmann * Remscheid-Lennep 17-5-1818 + Elberfeld 6-4-1892; Dr van Johann Daniel F. en Anna Clara Schürmann
100. Carl Vorwerk * Barmen 2-7-1812 + Barmen 10-1-1890; Zn van Johann Peter V. en Maria Magdalena Dürholt
x Altona 27-5-1842
101. Mathilde Eschels * Altona 25-10-1818 + Barmen 5-3-1897; Dr van Jens Jakob E. en Catharina Maria Wulff
102. Carl Emil Blank * Barmen 17-5-1817 + Barmen 5-8-1893; Kaufmann; Zn van Friedrich B. en Sara Katharina Osteroth
x Barmen 3-6-1845
103. Marie Engels * Barmen 13-7-1824 + Barmen 5-4-1901; Dr van Friedrich E. en Elisabeth Franziska Mauritia v. Haar, sister of Friedrich E. (* Barmen 28-11-1820 + Londen 6-8-1895)
104. ; van
105. ; van
106. ; van
107. ; van
108. Karl Johann Wilhelm Barton, since 1858 v. Barton and since 1862 v. Barton gen. v. Stedman * Den Haag 12-7-1804 + Besselich bei Vallendar am Rhein 13-6-1882; auf Besselich; Zn van
x Monheim bei Opladen 5-6-1832
109. Agnes Roth * Monheim 18-10-1808 + Besselich 22-12-1883: Dr van Landwirt Franz R.en Maria Fimenich
110. Johann Wilhelm Kraul * ...; Weinhändler, founder of tradingcompany Kraul & Wilkening; Zn van
x ...
111. Emilie Voelcker * ...; Dr van
112. ; van
113. ; van
114. ; van
115. ; van
116. ; van
117. ; van
118. ; van
119. ; van
120. ; van
121. ; van
122. ; van
123. ; van
124. ; van
125. ; van
126. ; van
127. ; van

Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels
Gothäischen Genealogischen Taschenbücher
with thanks to Hein Bruins

Thursday, 12 December 2013


The ducal title of Buccleuch was created on 20-4-1663 for James Crofts, natural son of Charles II King of England, Ireland and Scotland and his mistress Lucy Walters. He was created Duke of Monmouth at the same moment. James was married to Anne Scott, 4.Countess of Buccleuch (created 1619), who was created Duchess of Buccleuch in her own right as well. The Duke of Monmouth was executed for treason in 1685, but his wife kept her title, which was passed on to their descendants. Through the marriage of the 2.Duke of Buccleuch and Lady Jean Douglas, daughter of the 2.Duke of Queensberry, their grandson the 3.Duke of Buccleuch became on 23-12-1810 the 5.Duke of Queensberry.
As descendants of the Stuart kings of England and Scotland, the oldest male line ancestor of the Dukes of Buccleuch and Queensberry is Breton nobleman Alan, son of Flaald, who received ca. 1100 from King Henry I of England the barony of Mileham in Norfolk. One of his sons became the ancestor of the FitzAlan family, the Earls of Arundel, another, Walter, was made Steward of Scotland by King David I of Scotland. His descendants were the High Stewards of Scotland and became Earls of Lennox in 1488. Matthew Stewart, 4.Earl of Lennox (1516-1571) was third in line for the Scottish succession, as descendant of Princess Mary of Scotland, daughter of King James II. He married Margaret Douglas, the half sister of King James V and daughter of King Henry VII of England. In 1565 Matthew married his son Henry, Lord Darnley, to Mary I Queen of Scots. The son of this couple, James, not only inherited Scotland in 1567 but England as well in 1603, uniting the two kingdoms.

Bowhill House. Source:

1a. Willoughby Ralph Scott, Viscount of Nith * 2016 (twin)
1b. Lady Hester Florence Scott * 2016 (twin)
1c. Lady Dido Rose Scott * 2019


2. Walter John Francis Scott, Earl of Dalkeith * Londen 2-8-1984
x Drumlanrig 22-11-2014
3. Elizabeth Honor Cobbe * 18-1-1986


4. Richard Walter John Montagu-Douglas-Scott, since … Scott, 10.Duke of Buccleuch and 12.Duke of Queensberry * 14-2-1954
x Dalkeith House 31-10-1981
5. Lady Elizabeth Marian Frances Kerr * Melbourne Hall, Derbyshire 8-6-1954 + 30-4-2023
6. Hugh Michael Thomas Cobbe * 20-11-1942; of East Woodhay, Hampshire
x ...
7. Katherine Elizabeth Chichester * 1-9-1949


8. Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott, since … Scott, 9.Duke of Buccleuch and 11.Duke of Queensberry * Westminster 28-3-1923 + Bowhill 4-9-2007
x Edinburgh 10-1-1953
9. Jane McNeill * Shanghai 19-12-1929 + Londen 18-4-2011
10. Peter Francis Walter Kerr, 12.Marquess of Lothian * 8-7-1922 + Ferniehirst Castle, Jedburgh 12-10-2004
x 30-4-1943
11. Antonella Reuss Newland * 8-9-1922 + Ferniehirst 6-1-2007
12. Francis Charles Cobbe * 4-3-1913 + 17-7-1949
x 22-3-1941
13. Joan Mervyn Cobbe * 7-7-1915 + …
14. Cecil Charles Chichester * 28-3-1906 + 1986
x 22-5-1937
15. Winifred Alice de Winton * 10-10-1911 + ..-3-1986


16. Walter John Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 8.Duke of Buccleuch and 10.Duke of Queensberry * Dalkeith 30-12-1894 + 4-10-1973
x Westminster 21-4-1921
17. Freda Esther Mary (Mollie) Lascelles * Westminster 27-9-1900 + Boughton House 9-2-1993
18. John McNeill * 19-5-1899 + ...; of Druimavuic, Appin, Argyllshire, crown advocate in Shanghai, barrister in Hong Kong
x 1927
19. Amy Yvonne Maynard * …; Concert pianist
20. Andrew William Kerr * 23-3-1877 + 28-3-1929
x 29-7-1915
21. Marie Constance Annabel Kerr * 17-8-1889
22. Sir Foster Reuss Newland * 1862 + 1943; Major-general, of Ditchington Hall, Norfolk
x 1918 (divorced 1928)
23. Donna Agnese (Nenella) dei Conti Salazar * 1885/90 + …; xII 1928 William Carr * 1901 + …; Lieutenant
24. Thomas Maberley Cobbe * 18-3-1884 + 7-6-1914
x 6-4-1905
25. Eleanor Colville Frankland * … + 10-3-1946; xII 28-8-1915 Cyril Corbally * …
26. Mervyn Hugh Cobbe * 7-4-1873 + at sea 27-5-1915
x 12-10-1904
27. Caroline Anne Maude Arbuthnot * … + 31-8-1945
28. Cecil George Chichester * Gibraltar 25-9-1875
x 25-4-1905
29. Katherine Elizabeth Upton-Cottrell-Dormer * 1877
30. William Edward de Winton * 1856 + 30-8-1922; Zoologist
x 25-1-1904
31. Hon. Sibyl Laura Edwardes * 11-1-1871 + 11-2-1955


32. John Charles Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 7.Duke of Buccleuch and 9.Duke of Queensberry * Londen 30-3-1864 + Selkirk Castle 18-10-1935
x Londen 30-1-1893
33. Lady Margaret Alice Bridgeman * Bromwich 20-1-1872 + Edinburgh 7-8-1954
34. William Frank Lascelles * 25-3-1863 + 8-7-1913
x Londen 4-11-1899
35. Lady Sybil Evelyn de Vere Beauclerk * Londen 21-8-1871 + 20-9-1910
36. Duncan McNeill * … + 1953; of Druimavuic, Appin, Argyllshire (bought ca. 1920)
x ...
37. N.N.
38. Francis Maynard * … (Francis Thomas Maynard * Holborn 26-12-1858)
x ... (Londen-Paddington 10/12-1896)
39. N.N. (Rosamond V.J. Chapuisat)
40. Lord Walter Talbot Kerr * 28-9-1839 + ...
x 18-11-1873
41. Lady Amabel Frederica Henrietta Cowper * ... + 15-10-1906
42. William Walter Raleigh Kerr * 8-2-1863 + 22-8-1942
x 22-9-1888
43. Annabel Jarves * ... + 1-4-1954
44. John Foster Newland * 1825 + 1908; Surgeon
x Manchester 17-4-1856
45. Sophia Louisa Reuss ~ Manchester 15-9-1834 + …
46. Michele since 4-6-1925 Conte Salazar * Napels 1859 + 1923
x 1882
47. Donna Mariangela Dusmet de Smours * Napels … + Rome ..-7-1940
48. Leuric Charles Cobbe * 14-4-1859 + 25-10-1897; of Newbridge House, Donabate
x USA 1881
49. Emma Edith Corinne Brown * Iowa … + ..-2-1917
50. Colville Frankland * 6-11-1839 + 22-12-1913
x 22-9-1870
51. Mary Jay Dawson * New York 1841/42 + 25-1-1914
52. Sir Alexander Hugh Cobbe * 1825 + 13-9-1899; Lieutenant-general
x 1863
53. Emily Barbara Jones * … + 1886
54. Sir Charles George Arbuthnot * Killaloe, Clare 19-5-1824 + 14-4-1899; General
x 27-10-1868
55. Caroline Charlotte Clarke * Barbados 1845/46 + 1909
56. Hugh Chichester * Bishop´s Taunton, Devonshire 22-9-1836 + 27-6-1896; Major-General in Royal Bengal Artillery
x 22-9-1869
57. Alice Longman * Londen 1847 + …
58. Clement Cottrell-Dormer, since … Upton-Cottrell-Dormer * 20-9-1827 + 29-12-1880; of Rousham Hall
x Bedminster 22-4-1858
59. Florence Anne Upton * 7-12-1837 + 17-1-1907
60. Robert Henry de Winton * Eglingham, Northumberland 1821 + Sydney 1905
x Sydney 22-9-1847
61. Frances Caroline Allan * Sydney 20-9-1826 + 1885
62. William Edwardes, 4.Baron Kensington * Londen 11-5-1835 + Yetholm 7-10-1896
x 19-9-1867
63. Grace Elizabeth Johnstone-Douglas * 28-1-1843 + Calcutta 19-1-1910


64. William Henry Walter Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 6.Duke of Buccleuch and 8.Duke of Queensberry * Londen 9-9-1831 + Westminster 5-11-1914; Zn van Walter Francis M.-D.-S., 5.Duke of B. and 7.Duke of Q., en Lady Charlotte Anne Thynne (Marquesses of Bath)
x Londen 22-11-1859
65. Lady Louisa Jane Hamilton * Londen 16-8-1836 + Dalkeith 17-3-1912; Dr van James H., 1.Duke of Abercorn, en Lady Louisa Jane Russell (Dukes of Bedford)
66. George Cecil Orlando Bridgeman, 4.Earl of Bradford * 3-2-1845 + 2-1-1915; Zn van Orlando B., 3.Earl of B., en Hon. Selina Louise Weld-Forester (Barons Forester)
x Maltby 7-9-1869
67. Lady Ida Frances Annabella Lumley * Tickhill Castle 28-11-1848 + 22-8-1936; Dr van Richard George L.,k 9.Earl of Scarborough, en Frederica Mary Adeliza Drummond (Earls of Perth)
68. Rt. Hon. Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles * 23-3-1841 + 2-1-1920; Zn van Rt. Hon. William Saunders Sebright L. en Lady Caroline Georgina Maud Howard (Earls of Carlisle)
x 25-6-1867
69. Mary Emma Olliffe * ... + 3-4-1897; Dr van Sir Joseph Francis O. en Laura Cubitt
70. William Amelius Aubrey de Vere Beauclerk, 10.Duke of Saint-Albans * 15-4-1840 + 10-5-1898; Zn van Wiliam Aubrey de Vere B., 9.Duke of St-A., en Elizabeth Catherine Gubbins
xI 20-6-1867
71. Sybil Mary Grey (Earls Grey) * 28-11-1848 + 7-9-1871; Dr van Hon. Charles G. en Caroline Eliza Farquhar
72. ; van
73. ; van
74. ; van
75. ; van
76. (Thomas Henry Maynard); Zn van
x (East-London 10/12-1853)
77. (Eleanor Isaacs); Dr van
78. ; van
79. ; van
80. John William Robert Kerr, 7.Marquess of Lothian * 1-2-1794 + 1841; Zn van William John Kerr, 6.Marquess of Lothian, en Lady Henrietta Hobart (Earls of Buckinghamshire)
x 19-7-1831
81. Lady Cecil Chetwynd Talbot * ... + Rome 13-5-1877; Dr van Charles C.-T., 2.Earl Talbot, en Frances Thomasine Lambart
82. George Augustus Frederick Cowper, 6.Earl Cowper * 26-6-1806 + 15-4-1856; Zn van Peter Leopold Louis Francis Nassau C., 5.Earl Cowper, en Emily Mary Lamb (Viscounts Melbourne)
x 7-10-1833
83. Anne Florence Weddell, Baroness Lucas of Crudwell * 8-6-1806 + 23-7-1880; Dr van Thomas Philip Robinson, later W., 2.Earl de Grey, 3.Baron Grantham, 6.Baron Lucas of Crudwell, en Lady Henrietta Frances Cole (Earls of Enniskillen)
84. William Walter Raleigh Kerr * 26-11-1809 + 26-5-1881; Zn van Hon. Robert K. en Mary Gilbert
x 12-2-1850
85. Mary Rouet Wilson * ... + 4-8-1911; Dr van James W.
86. James Jackson Jarves * Boston 20-8-1818 + 28-6-1888; Art critic and collector, publisher in Hawai of the newspaper Polynesia ca. 1840, US vice-consul in Florence 1880-1882; Zn van Deming J. en Anna Smith Stetson
x …
87. Elizabeth Russell Swain * New Bedford, Mass. 25-5-1822 + Florence 27-8-1861; Dr van Oliver S. en Amy Russell
90. Ernest Reuss * … + ...; Zn van
x Manchester 17-4-1830
91. Sophia Clare * … + ...; Dr van
92. Nob. Vincenzo Salazar * 1824 + 1896; Zn van
x …
93. Nob. Agnese d’Ajello di Santa Irene * … + 1910; Dr van
94. Don Carlo Dusmet de Smours * Palermo 15-11-1820 + …; Zn van Don Luigi D. de S. en Maria dei Marchesi Dragonetti Gorgoni
x 9-11-1841
95. Angela Valli * ... + ...; Dr van
96. Thomas Cobbe * 1813 + 13-5-1882; Barrister; Zn van Charles C. en Frances Conway
x ...
97. Janet Finlay Grahame * ... + 22-8-1884; Dr van Thomas G.
98. N. Brown * …; Farmer in Iowa; Zn van
x ...
99. N.N.; Dr van
100. Sir Frederick William Frankland, 8.Bt. * 11-5-1793 + 11-3-1878; Zn van Rev. Roger F. en Hon. Catherine Colville
x 21-8-1821
101. Katherine Margaret Scarth * … + 1-11-1871; Dr van Isaac S.
102. William Dawson * 1798 + 1852; Zn van William D. en Eleanor Lee
x New York ca. 1835
103. Sarah Jay * New York ..-12-1811 + 9-1-1846; Dr van Peter Augustus J. en Mary Rutherford Clarkson
104. Thomas Alexander Cobbe * 1788 + 1836; Indigo trader, political agent at Murshidabad since 1831; Zn van Charles C. en Anne Power Trench
x ...
105. Nuzeer Begum Khan * Kashmir ...; Dr van Aziz K.
106. Charles Stanhope Jones * ... + ...; Captain in the 59th regiment; Zn van
x ...
107. N. Williams * ...; Dr van banker John W. en Elizabeth Jane Winter
108. Rt. Rev. Alexander Arbuthnot * Rockfleet Castle, Mayo 7-5-1768 + Killaloe 9-1-1828; Bishop of Killaloe and Kilfenora since 1823; Zn van John A. en Anne Stone; xI 31-3-1798 Susana Bingham * …
xII 5-5-1819
109. Margaret Phoebe Bingham * ...; Dr van general George B.
110. William Clarke * ...; Doctor on Barbados; Zn van
x …
111. Eliza Georgina N. * …; Dr van
112. Robert Chichester * Bishop´s Taunton, Devonshire 13-3-1804 + 19-8-1882; Justice of Peace of Oxford; Zn van Charles C. en Henrietta Webber
x Londen-Marylebone 14-12-1826
113. Clarentia Mason * Chichester 1805 + 21-9-1878; Dr van Henry M.
114. Thomas Longman * 1804 + 1879; Publisher, built Farnborough Hill in 1863; Zn van Thomas Norton L. en Elizabeth Harris
x 1838
115. Georgiana Townsend * Ceylon 1816 + Londen 1890; Dr van major Bates T.
116. Charles Cottrell-Dormer * 1801 + 2-12-1874; Zn van
x 11-5-1826
117. Frances Elizabeth Strickland * 1807 + 1892; Dr van Walter S. en Frances Western
118. Thomas Upton * ... + 23-12-1843; Zn van John U. en Florence Smyth
x 16-7-1829
119. Eliza Way * ...; Dr van
120. Cann Wilkins, since 1839 de Winton * ...; Zn van Rev. George W. en Anne Thompson
x ...
121. Mary Evans * ...; Dr van Thomas E.
122. Andrew Allan * 18-8-1798 + Moorebank, NSW 16-2-1837; Zn van David A. en Sophia
x 2-12-1823
123. Augusta Bayly * Sydney 17-5-1808 + Woolloomooloo, NSW 26-12-1850; Dr van Nicholas Paget B. en Sarah Laycock
124. William Edwardes, 3.Baron Kensington * 3-2-1801 + 1-1-1872; Zn van William E., 2.Baron K., en Dorothy Patricia Thomas
x 1833
125. Laura Jane Ellison * …; Dr van Cuthbert E.
126. Robert Douglas, since ... Johnstone-Douglas * 6-4-1814 + 12-11-1866; Zn van Henry Alexander D. en Elizabeth Dalzell
x 27-1-1841
127. Lady Jane Margaret Mary Douglas * 1811 + 15-4-1881; Dr van Charles D., 6.Marquess of Queensberry, en Lady Caroline Scott (Dukes of Buccleuch and Queensberry)

Burke´s Peerage
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