With the election of Romanian nobleman Alexandru Ioan Cuza in 1859 as Voivode of both Moldavia and Walachia the foundation was laid for the modern Romanian state. Cuza was exiled after a coup d'etat in 1866 and the German prince Karl v. Hohenzollern was chosen the same year as Prince of Romania and confirmed by the European powers. In March 1881 he became King of Romania, but died childless in 1914. He was succeeded by the second son of his elder brother, Ferdinand, who became ruler of a country that comprised all the Romanians, as Transsylvania was added after the breakup of the Dual Monarchy in 1919. Due to the communist take over after the second World War his grandson Mihai renounced the throne on 30-12-1947 and left the country. Mihai renewed however his claim to the throne on 4-3-1948. As the succession law only allowed male succession, a distant Hohenzollern cousin would have to follow him as head of the family, as Mihai had five daughters and no son. However on 30-12-2007 the former king signed a new family policy naming his eldest daughter, Margarita, Crown Princess and Custodian of the Romanian Crown and the eldest son of the second daughter the future heir and Prince of Romania as of his 25th birthday. The latter´s position was revoked August 1st 2015.
1a. Maria Alexandra de Roumanie-Medforth-Mills * Boekarest 7-11-2020
1b. Mihai de Roumanie-Medforth-Mills * Boekarest 15-4-2022
2. Nicholas Michael de Roumanie-Medforth-Mills, since 30-12-2007 Heir of Romania, since 1-4-2010 Prince of Romenia, title revoked 1-8-2015 * Meyrin, Kt. Genève 1-4-1985
x Henley-on-Thames 6-10-2017 (rel. Sinaia 30-9-2018)
3. Alina Maria Binder * Constanţa 26-1-1988
4. Leslie Robin Medforth-Mills * Sproatley, Yorkshire 8-12-1942 + Genève 3-2-2002; Professor Geography Durham University
x Durham 20-7-1983 (divorced Sunderland 28-11-1991)
5. Elena Prinses van Roemenië * Lausanne 15-11-1950
6. Heinz Cucu, since … Binder * ...
x ...
7. Rodica Iancu * ...
8. Cyril Mills * Ellerby 25-2-1908 + Hull 29-5-1989; Labourer
x Preston, East Riding, Yorkshire 6-6-1931
9. Nora Medforth * Skirlaugh, East Riding, Yorkshire ..-12-1909
10. Michael I Koning van Roemenië, succeeds his grandfather 20-7-1927 until his father takes the throne 8-6-1930, succeeds his father 6-9-1940 and leaves the country 30-12-1947 * Sinaia 25-10-1921 + Aubonne 5-12-2017
x Athene 10-6-1948
11. Anna Marie Antonie Françoise Zita Marguerite Prinses van Bourbon van Parma * Parijs 18-9-1923 + Morges, Kt. Vaud 1-8-2016
12. Gheorghe Cucu * …
x …
13. Susanna Schöpp * 12-6-1923 + 12-7-2005
14. Gheorghe Iancu * 12-1-1924 + 21-1-1995
x …
15. M. Lupulescu * …
16. John Mills * Sculcoates ..-6-1883; Farm labourer
x Wesleyan Methodist Chapel North Skirlaugh 9-12-1905
17. Harriet Emma Tee * Skirlaugh 7/9-1884 + …
18. Albert Medforth * Skirlaugh 10/12-1885 + …; Labourer
x Preston 24-7-1907
19. Harriet Head * 1886 + …
20. Carol II since 6-6-1930 Koning van Roemenië, abdication 6-9-1940 * Sinaia 3/15-10-1893 + Estoril 4-4-1953
xII Athene 10-3-1921 (divorced Boekarest 21-6-1928)
21. Helena Prinses van Griekenland en Denemarken * Athene 20-4-/2-5-1896 + Lausanne 28-11-1982
22. Renato Carlo Maria Giuseppe Prins van Bourbon van Parma * Schwarzau am Steinfelde 17-10-1894 + Hellerup 30-7-1962
x Kopenhagen 9-6-1921
23. Margrethe Françoise Louise Marie Helene Prinses van Denemarken * Bernstorfhöj 17-9-1895 + 18-9-1992
24. Constantin Cucu * 17-10-1899
x ...
25. Elena Kovacs * 7-9-1902 + 2-4-1983
26. Josef Schöpp * 11-10-1872 + 19-5-1933
x ...
27. Susanna Binder * 25-12-1885 + 30-8-1950
28. Nicolae Iancu * …
x ...
29. Draguta N. * ...
30. Gheorghe Lupulescu * …
x ...
31. Ioana N. * ...
32. Thomas Mills * Sculcoates 6/9-1857 + Sculcoates 4/6-1935; Farm labourer
x Sculcoates 4/6-1878
33. Sophia Rawling * Sculcoates 7/9-1859
34. John Tee * 1846/47 + Sculcoates 1/3-1895; Farm labourer
x Skirlaugh 10/12-1875
35. Mary Jane Drewery * Patrington 7/9-1857
36. Samuel Medforth * Patrington 4/6-1858 + Hull 4/6-1912; Labourer
x Patrington 7/9-1883
37. Kate Leonard * Patrington 10/12-1861
38. Alfred William Head * 1858/59 + Sculcoates 4/6-1929; Labourer
x Skirlaugh 10/12-1880
39. Annie Knaggs * Skirlaugh 4/6-1862 + Buckrose 4/6-1945
40. Ferdinand I Viktor Albert Meinrad Prins van Hohenzollern, since 20-12-1886 Prins en since 1914 Koning van Roemenië * Sigmaringen 24-8-1865 + Slot Sinaia 20-7-1927
x Sigmaringen 10-1-1893
41. Maria Alexandra Victoria Prinses van Saksen-Coburg en Gotha * Eastwell Park, Kent 29-10-1875 + Sinaia 10-7-1938
42. Constantinos I Koning der Hellenen, abdication ..-6-1917, reinstated 19-12-1920 and abdication 27-9-1922 * Athene 2-8-1868 + Palermo 11-1-1923
x Athene 27-10-1889
43. Sophie Dorothea Ulrike Alice Prinses van Pruisen * Potsdam 14-6-1870 + Frankfurt am Main 13-1-1932
44. Roberto Carlo Lodovico Maria Hertog van Parma en Piacenza, leaves the country 9-6-1859 * Florence 9-7-1848 + Pianore 16-11-1907
xII Schloß Fischhorn im Pinzgau 15-10-1884
45. Maria Antonia Adelaide Camilla Carolina Eulália Leopoldina Sofia Inez Francisca de Assis e de Paula Miquela Gabriela Rafaela Gonzaga Gregoria Bernardina Benedita Andrea de Braganza, Infante van Portugal * Bronnbach 28-11-1862 + Schloß Colmar-Berg 14-5-1959
46. Valdemar Prins van Denemarken * Bernstorff 27-10-1858 + Kopenhagen 14-1-1939
x Parijs 20-10-1885
47. Marie Amélie Françoise Hélène Prinses van Orléans * Morgan House, Surrey 13-1-1865 + Kopenhagen 4-12-1909
52. Michael Schöpp * 1847 + 1917
x ...
53. Katharina Mieß * 1849 + 1935
54. Martin Binder * 23-7-1856 + 1-2-1895
x …
55. Barbara Binder * 11-2-1861 + 1962
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80. Leopold Stephan Karl Anton Gustav Eduard Tassilo Vorst van Hohenzollern * Krauchenwies 22-9-1835 + Berlijn 8-6-1905; Zn van Karl Anton Vorst van H.-Sigmaringen en Josephine Prinses van Baden
x Lissabon 12-9-1861
81. Antonia Maria Fernanda Miguela Gabriela Rafaela Francisca d'Assis Ana Gonzaga Silvina Augusta Infante van Portugal * Lissabon 17-2-1845 + Sigmaringen 17-12-1913; Dr van Ferdinand Prins van Saksen-Coburg en Gotha en Maria II da Gloria Koningin van Portugal en Algarvië
82. Alfred Ernst Albert Prins van Groot Brittannië en Ierland, sed. 24-5-1866 Earl of Ulster and Duke of Edinburgh, sed.1893 Hertog van Saksen-Coburg-Gotha * Windsor Castle 6-8-1844 † Slot Rosenau bij Coburg 30-7-1900; Zn van Albert Prins van S.-C.-G. en Victoria Koningin van Groot Brittannië en Ierland
x St. Petersburg 23-1-1874
83. Maria Alexandrovna Grootvorstin van Rusland * Zarskoje Sselo 5/17-10-1853 † Zürich 24-10-1920; Dr van Alexander II Nikolaievitch Tsaar Aller Russen en Marie Prinses van Hessen und Bei Rhein
84. Christian Vilhelm Ferdinand Adolf Georg Prins van Denemarken, sed. 6-6-1863 Koning der Hellenen als Georgios I * Kopenha¬gen 24-12-1845 ++ Salo¬niki 18-3-1913; Zn van Christian IX Koning van D. en Luise Prinses van Hessen-Kassel
x St.Petersburg 27-10-1867
85. Olga Constantinovna Grootvorstin van Rusland * Pavlovsk 3-9-1851 + Pau 18-6-1926; Dr van Constantin Nikolaievitch Grootvorst van R. en Alexandra Prinses van Saksen-Altenburg
86. Friedrich III Wilhelm Nikolaus Karl Duits Keizer en Koning van Pruisen * Neues Palais, Potsdam 18-10-1831 + Neues Palais 15-6-1888; Zn van Wilhelm I Duits Keizer en Koning van P. en Auguste Prinses van Saksen-Weimar-Eisenach
x Londen 25-1-1858
87. Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa Prinses van Groot Brittannië en Ierland * Bucking¬ham Palace 21-11-1840 + Friedrichshof 5-8-1901; Dr van Albert Prins van Saksen-Coburg-Gotha en Victoria Koningin van Groot Brittannië en Ierland
88. Ferdinando Carlo III Maria Giuseppe Vittorio Baldassare Hertog van Parma en Piacenza, Infant van Spanje * Lucca 14-1-1823 ++ Parma 27-3-1854; Zn van Carlo II Hertog van P. en P. en Teresa Prinses van Savoye
x Frohsdorf 10-11-1845
89. Louise Marie Thérèse Prinses van Frankrijk * Parijs 21-9-1819 + Venetië 1-2-1864; Dr van Charles Prins van F., Duc de Berry, en Maria Carolina Prinses der Beide Siciliën
90. Miguel Maria do Patrocinio João Carlos Francisco de Assis Javier de Paula Pedro de Alcantara António Rafael Gabriel Joaquim José Gonzaga Evaristo Infant van Portugal, Duque de Braganza * Lissabon 26-10-1802 + Bronnbach 14-11-1866; Zn van João VI Koning van P. en Algarvië en Carlota Joaquina Infante van Spanje
x Kleinheubach 24-9-1851
91. Sophia Amalia Adelheid Luise Johanna Leopoldine Prinses zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg * Kleinheubach 3-4-1831 + Ryde, Isle of Wight 16-12-1909; Dr van Constantin Erfprins van L.-W.-R. en Prinses zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg
92. Christian Prins van Sleeswijk-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücks¬burg, sed. 24-5-1851 vermoedelijk Deens Troonopvolger, sed. 31-7-1853 Prins en sed. 15-11-1863 Koning van Denemarken als Christian IX * Gottorp 8-4-1818 + Amalienborg 29-1-1906; Zn van Wilhelm Hertog van S.-H.-S.-G. en Luise Prinses van Hessen-Kassel
x Kopenhagen 26-5-1842
93. Luise Wilhelmine Friederike Caroline Auguste Julie Prinses van Hessen-Kassel * Kassel 7-9-1817 + Bernstorff 29-9-1898; Dr van Wilhelm Landgraaf van H.-K. en Charlotte Prinses van Denemarken
94. Robert Philippe Louis Eugène Ferdinand Prins van Frankrijk, Duc de Chartres * Palais des Tuileries 9-11-1840 + château de Saint-Firmin 5-12-1910; Zn van Ferdinand Prins van F., Duc d’Orléans, en Helene Hertogin van Mecklenburg-Schwerin
x Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey 11-6-1863
95. Françoise Marie Amélie Prinses van Orléans * Neuilly-sur-Seine 14-8-1844 + château de Saint-Firmin 28-10-1925; Dr van François Prins van Frankrijk, Prince de Joinville, en Francisca Prinses van Brazilië
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104. Martin Schöpp * 1819 + 1892; Zn van Thomas S. en Katharina Mieß
x …
105. Agathe Schüller * 1822 + 1895; Dr van Michael S. en Agathe Dengel
106. Georg Mieß * 1820 + 1902; Zn van Georg M. en Katharina Schuster
x …
107. Maria Gräf * 1822 + 1889; Dr van Martin G. en Barbara Maurer
108. Martin Binder * 1828 + 1886; Zn van Michael B.en Katharina Samarider
x …
109. Regina Krauß * 1829 + 1889; Dr van Michael K. en Agatha Thudt
110. N. Binder * ...; Zn van
x …
111. Maria Elerwen * 1836; Dr van Laurenz E. en Maria Müller
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Burke's Royal Families of the World, Part I