The Duchy of Sagan was created in 1274 when it was split of from the Silesian Duchy of Glogau. It was ruled by members of the Polish Piast dynasty until it was sold in 1472 to Albrecht Duke of Saxony, Margrave of Meissen and ruler of Friesland (1443-1500). Sagan was taken back by the German Emperor as King of Bohemia overlord of Silesia and given to as fief to several individuals, until in 1646 Wenzel Eusebius Fürst v. Lobkowicz received the Duchy. It stayed in his family till it was sold in 1786 to Peter Biron, the last sovereign Duke of Koerland. Three of his daughters succeeded as Duchesses of Sagan. The youngest Dorothea became in 1842 4.Herzogin v. Sagan. The status of Sagan was changed to Preußische Thronlehen Fürstentum Sagan in 1844. Apart from Sagan there were three more of these Thronlehens: Oels, ruled by members of the Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel family until they died out and Oels returned to the Prussian crown, after which in 1905 it was made the fief of the Prussian Crownprince; Troppau-Jägerndorf of the Princes of Liechtenstein and finally Krotoschin of the Fürst v. Thurn und Taxis.
Dorothy Biron was married to Edmond de Talleyrand-Périgord, 2.Duc de Talleyrand, 2.Duca di Dino, and Sagan was inherited by this French family. After the fall of the monarchy, the Fürstentum Sagan was transformed in 1923 in the Herrschaft Waldgut Sagan. The Last Duke Boson de Talleyrand-Périgord, 9.Herzog v. Sagan, 4.Duc de Valençay, 6.Duc de Talleyrand, 6.Duca di Dino, was expropriated in 1945 when Silesia became Polish (again), but received a financial compensation from the Polish government in 1948.
The family Pourtalès descends from Pierre Pourtalès who was mentioned in 1461. His descendant Jérémie Pourtalès (1701-1784) was ennobled in Prussia. His son Jacques Louis v. Pourtalès (1722-1814) was created a Bohemian Ritter on 1-8-1811. His son Friedrich had already been elevated to the rank of comte de l'empire on 31-12-1809. The title of count was confirmed for him and his two brothers in Prussia on 10-5-1814.
1. Paul Hélie Comte de Pourtalès de Talleyrand-Périgord * Annecy 9-4-1999
2. Charles Hélie Comte de Pourtalès de Talleyrand-Périgord * Frankfurt am Main 5-2-1963
x Le Grand Bornand 9-5-1998
3. Lila Ould’Amer * Algiers 5-3-1967
4. Hélie Albert Gérard Comte de Pourtalès de Talleyrand-Périgord, tit. 11.Herzog v. Sagan * Neuilly-sur-Seine 25-11-1938; op château Bandeville
xI Parijs 28-4-1962 (gescheiden 13-12-1974)
5. Marie Dalité Matossian * Lausanne 17-10-1937
6. Chabane Ould’Amer * ...; Architect
x ...
7. Ginette Orliac * ...
8. James Robert Comte de Pourtalès * Houlgate 19-7-1911 + Rio de Janeiro 28-4-1996; of château Bandeville
xI Plessis-Mornay 29-5-1937 (divorced Parijs 29-1-1969)
9. Hélène Violette de Talleyrand-Périgord, tit. 10.Herzogin v. Sagan * Parijs 18-2-1915 + Parijs ..-3-2003; of château du Marais; Sister of Howard de Talleyrand-Périgord, 8.Herzog v. Sagan * château du Marais 16-9-1909 + Parijs 27-5-1929 (suicide) and niece of Boson de Talleyrand-Périgord, since 1929 9.Herzog v. Sagan, 4.Duc de Valençay, 6.Duc de Talleyrand, 6.Duca di Dino * Parijs 20-7-1867 + Valençay 9-5-1952
10. Tigrane Garabed Matossian * ca. 1900
x Tonbridge 1/3-1932
11. Joséphine De Hern Arscott Routch * Tonbridge 1/3-1912
14. N. Orliac * ...
x ...
15. Yvonne N. * ...
16. Arthur Robert Comte de Pourtalès * Parijs 30-10-1874 + Bandeville 26-8-1942
x Parijs 25-6-1906
17. Maria Elisabeth (Mélanie) van Ryck van Rietwyk * Parijs 18-3-1887 + Parijs 17-1-1917
18. Marie Pierre Camille Louis Hélie de Talleyrand-Périgord, 5.Duc de Talleyrand, 7.Herzog v. Sagan (relinquished in favor of his son), since 10-7-1912 5.Duca di Dino * Mello, Oise 23-8-1859 + Parijs 25-10-1937
x Londen 7-7-1908
19. Anna Gould * New York 5-6-1878 + Neuilly-sur-Seine 30-11-1961; of château du Marais (since 1906); xI New York 4-3-1895 (divorced Parijs 14-11-1906) Boniface Marquis de Castellane * Parijs 14-2-1867 + Parijs 12-12-1932
20. Garabed Bey Matossian * Tokat ..-12-1863; Moved in 1881 to Egypt, opened in 1886 a tobacco workshop in Cairo, tobacco manufacturer (Tabacs et Cigarettes Matossian, merged in 1927 with British American Tobacco), financed in 1925 the construction of Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Holy Virgin (Armenian Catholic Patriarchate) at 36, Sharia Sabri Abu 'Alam, near the Midan Tal'at Harb in Cairo
x …
21. Dirouhi Hadji-Biarian * ...
22. Frederick Augustus Routch * Buenos Aires 1868; Physician and surgeon in Tunbridge Wells 1901 and 1911; xI Tunbridge Wells 28-5-1899 Gertrude Emma Donaldson * Tunbridge Wells 1865 + Tonbridge 10/12-1907
xII Elham, Kent 1910
23. Dorothy Henrietta Arscott * Plymouth 7/9-1881 + Tonbridge 1962
32. Jacques Albert Comte de Pourtalès * Parijs 27-3-1847 + Bandeville 16-10-1934
x Parijs 30-11-1871
33. Henriette Joly de Bammeville * Parijs 29-4-1851 + Parijs 21-7-1933
34. Willem Jacob Hendrik van Ryck van Rietwyk * Batavia 28-10-1827 + Nice 8-1-1898
xII kasteel Geldrop 12-11-1884
35. Clara Hoevenaar van Geldrop * Tegal 10-11-1848 + 1-5-1932
36. Charles Guillaume Frédéric Boson de Talleyrand-Périgord, 4.Duc de Talleyrand, 6.Herzog v. Sagan, Duc de Valençay * Parijs 16-5-1832 + Parijs 21-2-1910
x Parijs 2-9-1858
37. Anne Alexandrine Jeanne Marguérite Seillière * Parijs 20-4-1839 + Loches 12-10-1905
38. Jason (Jay) Gould * Roxbury, New York 27-5-1836 + 2-12-1892
x 22-1-1863
39. Helen Day Miller * New York 20-9-1838 + New York 13-1-1889
44. Augustus Otto William Routch * Ireland 1837 + Cairns, Queensland 1892/93; Master mariner
x ...
45. Jennie Sarah Weldon * Dorchester, New Brunswick 1846 + Boston 26-8-1914; in Westbury-upon-Trim in 1881
46. William Arscott * Tedburn St Mary, Devonshire 1850; Farmer in Sampford Courtenay, Devon 1891, 1901
x Okehampton 4/6-1875
47. Elizabeth Ann Field Rowcliffe * South Tawton, Devon 7/9-1851
64. Jacques Robert Comte de Pourtalès * Parijs 15-4-1821 + Bandeville 3-9-1874; Zn van James Alexander Comte de P. en Anna de Palézieux-Falconnet
x Parijs 27-6-1846
65. Anne Hagermann * Parijs 26-1-1825 + Bandeville 12-10-1898; Dr van Jonas H. en Célestine Frat
66. Arthur Joly de Bammeville * Saint-Quentin 21-8-1820 + Versailles 15-2-1892; Zn van Jules J. de B. en Constance Clémence Pouchet
xI Parijs 5-1-1850
67. Sophie Louise Françoise Coulomb * Parijs 29-4-1830 + Parijs 15-6-1851; Dr van Émile C. en Henriette Françoise Lefebvre
68. Gerardus Carolus van Ryck, heer van Rietwyk * Pasoeroean 11-7-1778 + 26-2-1858; Zn van Adriaan van R. en Susanna Ernestein
x Batavia 11-5-1817
69. Elisabeth Lucia Smissaert * Amsterdam 15-3-1800 + Batavia 27-6-1880; Dr van Marinus Adrianus Perpetuus S. en Maria Feitama
70. Hubertus Paulus Hoevenaar, heer van Geldrop * Amsterdam 16-3-1814 + kasteel Geldrop ..-2-1886; Zn van Hubertus Paulus H. en Arnoudina Ringeling
x Tegal, Java 5-12-1844
71. Jkvr. Anna Maria Marciane Catharina Holmberg de Beckfelt * Rembang, Java 12-1-1823 + Den Haag 7-2-1905; Dr van Jhr. Otto Carel H. de B. en Henriette Marie Claire Smissaert
72. Napoléon Louis de Talleyrand-Périgord, 3.Duc de Talleyrand, 5.Herzog v. Sagan, Duc de Valençay * Parijs 12-3-1811 + Berlijn 21-3-1898; Zn van Edmond de T.-P., 2.Duc de Talleyrand, 2.Duca di Dino, en Dorothea Gräfin Biron Prinses van Koerland, 4.Herzogin v. Sagan
xI Parijs 26-2-1829
73. Alix de Montmorency * Parijs 13-10-1810 + Parijs 13-9-1858; op château de Montflaux; Dr van Anne Charles François Duc de M. en Caroline de Goyon de Matignon
74. Achille 2.Baron Seillière * Parijs 26-2-1813 + Parijs 14-5-1873; op château de Mello, banker; Zn van François Alexandre 1.Baron S. en Camille Sophie Gibert
x 29-3-1838
75. Camille Zora Seillière * Parijs 20-2-1821 + Parijs 4-5-1866; Dr van Nicolas S. en Jeanne Eugénie Borderès
76. John Burr Gould * 12-10-1792 + Roxbury, New York 17-3-1862; Zn van Abraham G. en Anna Osborne
x 5-4-1827
77. Mary More * 20-1-1798 + Roxbury 12-1-1841; Dr van Alexander Taylor M. en Nancy Hartley
78. Daniel Stratton Miller* Greenville, New York 26-8-1798 + New York 9-4-1878; Zn van Daniel M. en Betsey Jones
x ...
79. Ann Kip Bailey * New York 25-12-1808 + New York 9-1-1890; Dr van John Henry B. en Elizabeth Ann Kip
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90. Joseph Charles Weldon * …; Zn van
x Dorchester, New Brunswick 20-12-1838
91. Anne Jane Carter * ...; Dr van
92. William Arscott * Cheriton, Fitzpaine, Devon 1804 + Okehampton 1875; Farmer in Tedburn St Mary with 140 acres and 3 labourers in 1861; Zn van John A. en Amy
x ...
93. Ann N. * Drewsteignton, Devon ...; Dr van
94. N. Rowcliffe * … + before 1854; Zn van
x ...
95. Charlotte N. * 1815; Dr van ; xII Crediton, Devon 1854 Thomas Hern * 1804; Farmer in Sampford Courtenay with 120 acres employing 2 men in 1861
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Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels
Erbe, Günther - Dorothea Herzogin von Sagan (1793-1862): eine deutsch-französische Karriere. Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2009
This blog presents the ancestors of the heirs of the leading families of Europe. These overviews represent the changing character of these families regarding marriage policy and show on one hand the close connections between those families but on the other hand the ability to absorb new influences while maintaining continuity. The texts are mainly in Dutch, later I will change it to English, but I think the information is clear enough. © Ronald Elward 2009-2025
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Monday, 18 December 2017

Don Luigi Massimo Lancelotti was created Principe di Prossedi on 21-3-1932. A title that previously had belonged to the Gabrielli family (1762-1911).
The Massimo family traces its ancestry back to Roman nobleman Leone dei Massimi, who died in 1012. His descendant Fabio Massimo bought in 1574 Arsoli. Fabrizio Camillo was created on Marchese di Roccasecca dei Volsci 30-3-1668. His descendant Camillo, married to Christina of Saxony, became (papal) Principe di Arsoli on 27-6-1826. His daughter Giuseppina was the wife Ottavio Principe Lancellotti (1789-1852). They had no children and her nephew Filippo Massimo became heir on the condition that he took the surname Lancellotti. His younger son Luigi combined the surnames Massimo and Lancellotti.
The first known ancestor of the Lancellotti family was Paolo Lancelotti who lived in Rome in the end of the 15th century. Several grandsons and greatgrandsons rose to important positions in the catholic church. In 1726 Don Ottavio Lancelotti was made Principe di Marzano e di Lauro by Archduke Karl of Austria in his position as King of Naples. His greatgrandson, the above mentioned Ottavio, became in 1825 (papal) Principe Lancelotti, and was the last male representative.
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Palazzo De Torres-Lancellotti, Rome. Source: wikipedia |
2. Don Luigi (Ludek) Massimo Lancellotti * Rome 21-3-1986
x Rome 5-9-2015
3. Anne-Marie Thérèse Jeannet * Providence, Rhode Island 3-12-1983
4. Principe Don Filippo Massimo Lancellotti, 3.Principe di Prossedi * Rome 24-9-1949; of palazzo De Torres-Lancellotti, Rione Parione, Rome, and villa Lancellotti at Frascati
x 7-10-1984
5. Coralla Maiuri * Mexico 4-10-1957; Actress, sculptress
6. Jean Pierre Jeannet * Switzerland 15-9-1946; Professor (F.W. Olin) Global Business at Babson College, Qiushi University Chair Professor, School of Management at Zhejiang University, School of Management, Hangzhou, China
x ...
7. Patricia A. Davey * 11-12-1945 + before 2017
8. Principe Don Paolo Enrico Massimo Lancellotti, 2.Principe di Prossedi * Merode 9-6-1911 + Rome 18-10-2004; of palazzo De Torres-Lancellotti, Rione Parione, Rome, and villa Piccolomini (renamed Lancellotti) at Frascati, Generallstatthalter der Ritterorden vom Heiligen Grab zu Jerusalem seit 1995
x Rome 29-10-1947
9. Donna Oretta Anna Maria dei Marchesi Sacchetti * Rome 10-6-1923 + ..-4-2022
10. Arduino (Dino) Maiuri * Frosinone 8-12-1916 + Ceprano, Frosinone 13-9-1984
x 1950
11. Ewa Irasema Warchalowska * Rio de Janeiro 27-5-1924 + Ceprano 16-4-1996; Actress ‘Irasema Dilián’
14. William H. Davey * Providence, Rhode Island 21-8-1920 + 25-11-1978
x Crittenden co., Arkansas 21-2-1944
15. Julia Marie Jones * Memphis, Tennessee 1927/28 + North Providence 25-3-2017
16. Don Luigi Massimo Lancellotti, since 31-3-1932 Principe di Prossedi * Frascati 29-7-1881 + Rome 13-7-1968; of palazzo De Torres-Lancellotti, Rione Parione, Rome, and villa Lauro-Lancellotti at Portici
x Westerloo 8-9-1910
17. Marie Nathalie Rodolphine Ghislaine Comtesse de Merode * Brussel 28-9-1884 + Rome 19-2-1973
18. Don Giovanni Battista Marchese Sacchetti, Marchese di Castel Romano * Florence 18-7-1893 + 29-1-1974
x Bagnaia 5-6-1919
19. Donna Matilde Lante Montefeltro della Rovere * Napels 4-8-1891 + Rome 16-2-1954
22. Jerzy Warchałowski * Beslezie 20-12-1897 + Teresópolis 6-8-1972; Attaché at the Polish mission in Rio de Janeiro 1920-1922, head of the consular department in Rio de Janeiro 1923-1926, Belgrade 1926-1928 and Helsinki 1929-1932
x …
23. Zofia Mieszkowska * Warschau 2-9-1900
28. Joseph S. Davey * 15-5-1893 + 29-8-1957
x Providence 24-6-1915
29. Theresa Elizabeth Joyce * 1891
30. Benjamin F. Jones * Tennessee 1892; te Memphis 1940
x Memphis 26-3-1927
31. Goldie May Pinson * Memphis 21-2-1912
32. Don Filippo Massimiliano Massimo since 19-1-1865 1.Principe Lancellotti * Rome 15-11-1843 + Rome 30-12-1915; of castello di Lauro, casino Giustiniani-Massimo, palazzo Lancellotti ai Coronari, Rome, palazzo De Torres-Lancellotti, Rione Parione, Rome, and villa Lauro-Lancellotti at Portici
x Rome 22-2-1865
33. Donna Elisabetta Teresa Engilberta Leonarda Aldobrandini * Frascati 13-7-1847 + Rome 25-1-1937
34. Henri Charles Marie Ghislain Comte de Merode, 5.Prince de Grimberghe, 8.Prince de Rubempré, Marquis de Westerloo * Parijs 28-12-1856 + Lausanne 13-7-1908
x Dülmen 14-9-1883
35. Nathalie Hedwig Constance Henriette Prinses van Croy * Trazegnies 14-7-1863 + Düren 2-9-1957
36. Giulio dei Marchesi Sacchetti * Rome 28-12-1857 + Santa Marinella 27-5-1908
x Florence 28-10-1888
37. Teresa dei Marchesi Gerini * Florence 11-2-1868 + Rome 23-1-1948
38. Don Pietro Duca Lante Montefeltro della Rovere, Principe Romano * Rome 30-3-1867 + Bagnaia 25-7-1924
xI Napels 22-10-1890
39. Beatrice Ciccarelli dei Marchesi di Cesavolpe * Napels 11-1-1864 + Bagnaia 14-10-1892
44. Kazimierz Warchałowski * 1872 + 1943; of Bezlesie near Kherson
x ...
45. Janina Jenicz * Antonovka 24-3-1875 + ...
46. Antoni Mieszkowski * ...
x ...
47. Maria N. * ...
56. Henry Davey * England 1859 + Providence 26-8-1931; Emigrated to USA 1877
x ...
57. Sarah W. Hetherington * England 1859; Emigrated to USA 1888, parents from Scotland
58. Thomas F. Joyce * England 1864; Emigrated to USA 1870, parents from Ireland
x ...
59. Annie E. Hughes * England 1864; Emigrated to USA 1876, parents from Ireland
62. John William Pinson * Tennessee 29-4-1887 + Memphis 7-12-1948; at Tipton co., Tennessee 1910, at Memphis 1920, at Crittenden co., Arkansas 1930
x Memphis 27-11-1905
63. Sarah Lillian (Lillie) Laugham * Tennessee 1888
64. Don Camillo Vittorio Emanuele Massimo, 2.Principe di Arsoli * Rome 14-8-1803 + Rome 6-4-1873; Zn van Don Camillo M., 1.Pricnipe di A., en Cristina Prinses van Saksen
xII Rome 2-10-1842
65. Giacinta dei Conti della Porta Rodiani * Rome 18-2-1821 + Rome 26-3-1898; Dr van Filippo Conte della P. R. en Livia dei Marchesi Vivaldi Armentieri
66. Don Camillo Francesco Giovan Battista Melchiorre Borghese, Principe di Sarsina, since 1839 Principe Aldobrandini * Florence 16-11-1816 + Rome 5-6-1902; Zn van Don Francesco Principe B., 7.Principe di Sulmona, Principe Aldobrandini, Duca Salviati, en Adèle de La Rochefoucauld
xI Héverlé 9-8-1841
67. Marie Flore Pauline Prinses en Hertogin van Arenberg * Brussel 2-3-1823 + Frascati 3-8-1861; Dr van Prosper Louis 7.Hertog van A., Hertog van Aerschot en Croy, Hertog van Meppen en Vorst van Recklinghausen, en Ludmilla Prinses van Lobkowicz
68. Charles Antoine Ghislain Comte de Merode, 4.Prince de Grimberghe, 7.Prince de Rubempré, Marquis de Westerloo * Everberg 1-8-1824 + Brussel 6-4-1892; Zn van Henri Comte de M., 3.Prince de Grimberghe, 6.Prince de Rubempré et d'Ever¬berghe et Marquis de Westerloo, en Louise de Thézan de Poujol
x Parijs 8-10-1849
69. Marie Nicolette Augustine Prinses en Hertogin van Arenberg * Maffliers 15-11-1830 + Westerloo 11-7-1905; Dr van Pierre Prins en Hertog van A. en Alix de Talleyrand-Périgord
70. Rudolf Maximilian Constantin 11.Hertog van Croy * Dülmen 13-3-1823 + Cannes 8-2-1902; Zn van Alfred 10.Hertog van C. en Eleonore Prinses zu Salm en Salm-Salm
xI Beloeil 15-9-1853
71. Natalie Princesse de Ligne * Beloeil 31-5-1835 + Beloeil 23-7-1863; Dr van Eugène 9.Prince de L., Prince d'Amblise et d'Epinoy, en Natalie de Trazegnies
72. Urbano Marchese Sacchetti, Marchese di Castel Romano * Rome 25-5-1835 + Rome 3-2-1912; Zn van Girolamo Marchese S., Marchese di Castelromano, en Donna Maria Spada Veralli dei Principi di Castelviscardo
x Rome 22-2-1857
73. Donna Beatrice Orsini * Rome 27-7-1837 + Rome 28-1-1902; Dr van Don Domenico Principe O., 17.Duca di Gravina, en Donna Maria Luisa Torlonia dei Principi di Civitella-Cesi
74. Antonio Marchese Gerini * Florence 21-10-1839 + Florence 7-6-1924; Zn van Carlo Lorenzo Marchese G. en Nob. Isabella Magnani
x Rome 15-2-1865
75. Donna Anna Maria Borghese * Rome 19-9-1844 + Florence 12-11-1914; Dr van Don Marcantonio Principe B., 7.Principe di Sulmona, en Thérèse de La Rochefoucauld
76. Don Antonio Duca Lante Montefeltro della Rovere, Principe Romano * Rome 25-4-1831 + Rome 7-7-1897; Dr van Don Pietro L. della R. en Donna Angela Lante della Rovere
x Rome 25/28-4-1866
77. Mathilde Davis * New York 11-7-1841 + Rome 8-2-1917; Dr van Thomas Edward D. en Anne Power
78. Giovanni Battista Barone Ciccarelli, Marchese di Cesavolpe * Napels 20-7-1830 + Napels 21/28-2-1886; Zn van Francesco Barone C., Marchese di C., en Harriet Higgins
x Napels 22-4-1858
79. Donna Maria Assunta del Pezzo de Simone * Napels 25-5-1835 + Castellamare di Stabia 6-10-1904; Dr van Don Pasquale Marchese del P. de S., 6.Duca di Caianello, en Donna Beatrice Caracciolo dei Principi di Torella
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88. Piotr Warchałowski * 1832 + Kiev 24-2-1911; Zn van
x ...
89. Helena Neyman * 1839 + 1923; Dr van Hermogenes N. en Helena Wiszniowska
90. Ludwik Jenicz * ...; Zn van
x ...
91. Olimpia N. * ...; Dr van
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Libro d'Oro della Nobiltà Italiana
Friday, 8 December 2017

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Blenheim Palace. Source: |
1a. Lady Olympia Arabella Kitty Spencer-Churchill * London 10-9-2020
1b. Lady Leonora Eliza Cressida Spencer-Churchill * 7-12-2024
2. George Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of Blandford * 28-7-1992
x Woodstock 8-9-2018
3. Camilla Elizabeth Antonia Thorp * London-Westminster 7-4-1987; Interior architect
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Picture by Alan Davidson/AJDImagesLtd. |
4. Charles James Spencer-Churchill, 12.Duke of Marlborough * 24-11-1955; xII Woodstock 1-3-2002 Edla Griffiths * 1968/69
xI Woodstock 24-2-1990 (divorced 1998)
5. Rebecca Mary Few Brown * 1963
6. James Nicholas Thorp * Surrey ..-2-1960; of Kern Farm, Alverstone, Isle of Wight (bought 2009)
x Vale Royal, Cheshire ..-9-1984
7. Philippa Clare Thomas * Amersham ..-3-1959; Director Thorp Design
8. John George Vanderbilt Henry Spencer-Churchill, 11.Duke of Marlborough * London 13-4-1926 + 16-10-2014; xII 23-10-1961 (divorced 1971) Athina Livanos * 1929 + Paris 10-10-1974; xIII Charlbury, Oxford 20-5-1972 (divorced London 23-5-2008) Rosita Gräfin Douglas * Madrid 26-9-1943; xIV Blenheim 3-12-2008 Lily Shani * 1958
xI London 1951 (divorced 1960)
9. Susan Mary Hornby * London 19-10-1929 + 27-1-2005; xII 26-1-1962 (divorced 198.) Alan Cyril Heber-Percy * 3-12-1935 + 9-1-1998; xIII 1983 John Osborne Gough * 1932 + 25-4-2011
10. Peter Few Brown * Chertsey 1/3-1929; of Holmesdale, Surrey; xII 2003 Lavinia Mary Agnew * 21-12-1933
x … (divorced)
11. Elizabeth Linda Milling * …; xII 21-6-1973 Edward John Winnington-Ingram * 20-4-1926
12. Peter A. Thorp * Edmonton 4/6-1925; Brother of actor Richard Stanley T. (* Purley 2-1-1932 + Shrewsbury 22-5-2013)
x London-Westminster 7/9-1954
13. Marjorie Lovell Worthington * Leicester 7/9-1926
14. Anthony Charles Thomas * 1917 + 2006
x Isle of Wight 1/3-1950
15. Grace (Jill) Carrington Giles * 9-10-1921 + 12-6-2013
16. John Albert Edward William Spencer-Churchill, 10.Duke of Marlborough * London 18-9-1897 + 11-3-1972; xII 26-1-1972 Laura Charteris (Earls of Wemyss and March) * London 10-8-1915 + London 19-2-1990
xI London 17-2-1920
17. Hon. Mary Alexandra Cadogan (Earls Cadogan) * 22-2-1900 + 23-5-1961
18. Michael Charles St. John Hornby * 2-1-1899 + 1987
x 15-11-1928
19. Nicole Joan Ward (Earls of Dudley) * 28-12-1907 + 1988
20. Gerald Few Brown * Wandsworth 1/3-1891 + Isle of Wight 1976; Underwriter for Lloyd´s
x London-Kensington 10/12-1927
21. Mary Shingleton * York 1/3-1902
22. Geoffrey Milling * Warrington 1-9-1901 + 1983; of Brading, Isle of Wight, member of the Merton College Spitzbergen Expedition in 1922, employed with Lever Bros., London, 1924-1926, member of Hudson's Bay Company (HBC)´s Development Department 1926-1927, posted by the HBC to St. John's, Newfoundland 1928, appointed Managing Director of Job Brothers & Co. Ltd. in 1932,. Director of Bowring Brothers Ltd. In 1936 and returned to England in 1948 to join the parent firm C.T. Bowring & Co. serving as Chairman of Bowring Steamship Co. and Deputy Chairman of Lloyd's Register of Shipping
x St. John's, Newfoundland 9-8-1929
23. Dorothy Gordon Baird * 24-12-1905 + Isle of Wight 1979
24. Stanley Thorp * London-Pancras 14-7-1900 + Torbay ..-6-1988; Managing director shoe company Lilley & Skinner
x Romford, Essex 4/6-1923
25. Kathleen Goddard * Hackney 9-3-1900 + Torbay 1979
26. Charles Edward Worthington * Leicester 20-2-1897 + Leicester 4/6-1970; Lord Mayor of Leicester 1940, CBE
x Leicester 7/9-1921
27. Winifred Boning Hextall Lovell * 30-11-1891 + ..-6-1981
28. Harold George S. Thomas * Clifton, Gloucestershire 1/3-1885 + Weston-super-Mare, Somerset 10/12-1965; Clerk in an insurance office in Bristol (1901)
x Bristol 7/9-1912
29. Violet Kathleen McPherson ~ Bishopton, Gloucestershire 1-8-1886
30. Humphrey Noel Giles * Nuneaton 23-12-1880 + 1963; Civil engineer waterworks (1911)
x Walton-on-the-Hill 16-7-1914
31. Doris Noel Dixon * Ormskirk 1/3-1886 + 1977
32. Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill, 9.Duke of Marlborough * Simla 13-11-1871 + London 29/30-6-1934; xII Paris 25-6-1921 Gladys Mary Deacon * Paris 7-2-1881 + Northampton 13-10-1977
xI New York 6-11-1895 (divorced 1921)
33. Consuelo Vanderbilt * New York 2-3-1867 + 6-12-1964
34. Henry Arthur Cadogan, Viscount Chelsea * 13-6-1868 + 2-7-1908
x 30-4-1892
35. Hon. Mildred Cecilia Harriet Sturt (Barons Alington) * 27-2-1869 + Westminster 17-9-1942
36. Charles Harry St John Hornby * 25-6-1867 + 26-4-1946
x 19-1-1898
37. Cicely Rachel Emily Barclay * …
38. Hon. Cyril Augustus Ward * London 31-1-1876 + Nairobi 20-2-1930
x London 14-4-1904
39. Irene Blanche Nicolette Barones van Brienen * London 5-11-1883 + Tetbury 21-4-1974; xII London 6-12-1934 Hon. Arthur Charles Strutt * London 2-10-1878 + London 10-2-1973; Vice-admiral
40. Arthur Charles Brown * Lambeth 1850 + Isle of Wight 17-7-1928; Underwriter, member of Lloyd´s
x St. Matthews´s, Redhill, Surrey 4-7-1888
41. Alice Elizabeth Strapp * France 1865
42. Leslie Shingleton * London-Hammersmith 7/9-1878 + Plymouth 1/3-1961; Manager to building contractor in Putney (1911)
x London-Paddington 1/3-1901
43. Edith Frances Williams * London-Paddington 1876 + Brighton 4/6-1968
44. Henry Milling * Warrington 7/9-1874; Owner of grocers Henry Milling & Sons
x Warrington 4/6-1899
45. Bessie Davies * Warrington 10/12-1877
46. David Baird * St John´s, Newfoundland 1863 + St John´s 15-6-1943; of Gateacre, Rennie´s Mill Rd, St John´s, Newfoundland
x …
47. Livy N. * Goulds 1871
48. Henry John Thorp * Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1873; Boot shop manager in London-St Pancras (1901), shop inspector in East Ham, Essex (1911)
x ...
49. Jessie Ellen N. * London-Walworth 1873
50. Henry Edwin Goddard * Hackney 1876; Stock keeper (woolen trade) in Hackney (1901)
x Hackney 4/6-1898
51. Martha Gilligan * Hackney 1874
52. Charles Thomas Worthington * Sleaford, Lincolnshire 1/3-1867 + Leicester 1/3-1925; Grocers apprentice in Osbournby, Lincolnshore (1881), provision merchant in Leicester (1901); xII Market Bosworth, Leicestershire 1913 Lilian Moore * ...
x Leicester 1/3-1895
53. Elizabeth Annie Whetstone * Leighton Buzzard 1/3-1872
54. Walter John Lovell * Huntingdon 7/9-1857 + Leicester 7/9-1936
x Market Bosworth 4/6-1887
55. Rosa Hextall * Market Bosworth 4/6-1862
56. Alfred Dominy Thomas ~ Clifton (St Andrew) 9-12-1855 + Bristol 1929; Superintendant of Works Clifton College (1901)
x Barton Regis 10/12-1878
57. Matilda Jane Pearson ~ Bristol (St Philip and Jacob) 18-3-1855
58. John Ambrose McPherson * Keynsham 10/12-1859; Civil engineers assistant (1881), civil engineer waterworks in Brislington (1901)
x Clifton (St Pauls) 15-8-1885
59. Helen Wilkins * Bristol 1867
60. George Edward Giles * 1848 + 1888
x Barbourne, Worcester 30-8-1877
61. Emily Stroud Smith ~ St John´s in Bedwardine, Worcester 27-2-1850
62. Francis Edmund Maclean Dixon * Bishopthorpe, Yorkshire 1-9-1850 + Liverpool 11-3-1924; Stock broker in Ormskirk (1891)
x Liverpool 8-3-1879
63. Fanny Hutchinson ~ Norton, Durham 28-10-1851; Sister of Mary Townsend H. * Norton 14-3-1848 x Stockton 1869 Lord Ernest McDonnell Vane-Tempest (Marquesses of Londonderry) * 1836 + Scarborough 14-8-1885
64. George Charles Spencer-Churchill, 8.Duke of Marlborough * Blenheim Palace 13-5-1844 + Blenheim Palace 9-11-1892; Son of Jon S.-C., 7.Duke of M., and Lady Frances Anne Emily Vane-Tempest (Marquesses of Londonderry); xII New York 29-6-1888 Lily Price * Mobile 1854 + Deepdene 11-1-1909
xI London 8-11-1869 (divorced 10-2-1883)
65. Lady Alberta Hamilton * London 29-7-1847 + Westminster 7-1-1934; Dr of James H., 1.Duke of Abercorn, and Lady Louisa Jane Russell (Dukes of Bedford)
66. William Kissam Vanderbilt * 1849 + Paris 22-7-1920; Son of William Henry V. and Maria Louisa Kissam
xI 20-4-1875 (divorced 1895)
67. Alva Erskine Smith * Mobile, Alabama 17-1-1853 + Paris 26-1-1933; Dr of Murray Forbes S. and Phoebe Ann Desha
68. George Henry Cadogan, 5.Earl of Cadogan * Durham College 12-5-1840 + 6-3-1915; Son of Henry Charles C., 4.Earl Cadogan, and Mary Sarah Wellesley (Earls Cowley)
x 16-5-1865
69. Lady Beatrix Jane Craven * 8-8-1844 + Culford Hall, Suffolk 9-2-1907; Dr of William C., 2.Earl Craven, and Lady Emily Mary Grimston (Earls of Verulam)
70. Henry Gerard Sturt, 1.Baron Alington * Crichel 16-5-1825 + Crichel 17-2-1904; Son of Henry Charles S. and Lady Charlotte Penelope Brudenell (Earls of Cardigan)
x 10-9-1853
71. Lady Augusta Bingham * 7-2-1832 + Alington House 3-7-1888; Dr of George Charles B., 3.Earl of Lucan, and Lady Anne Brudenell (Earls of Cardigan)
72. Charles Edward Hornby * 20-10-1833 + ..-3-1918; Son of Joseph H. and Elizabeth Baldwin Dyson
x 19-9-1865
73. Harriet Catherine Turton * Newcastle-under-Lyme 10/12-1840 + ..-1-1915; Dr of Henry T.
74. Charles Barclay * 1837 + …; Son of Robert B. and Rachel Hanbury
x Upton 10/12-1875
75. Charlotte Cassandra Cherry * Hatfield 10/12-1843 + …; Dr of Benjamin C.
76. William Humble Ward, 1.Earl of Dudley * 27-3-1817 + 7-5-1885; Son of William Humble W., 10.Baron Ward, and Amelia Pillans
xII 21-11-1865
77. Georgina Elizabeth Moncreiffe * ... + 2-2-1929; Dr of Sir Thomas M. of that Ilk, 7.Bt. and Lady Louise Hay (Earls of Kinnoull)
78. Arnoud Nicolaas Justinus Maria Baron van Brienen van de Groote Lindt * Den Haag 18-7-1839 + op de Middellandse Zee 4-1-1903; Son of Willem Thierrij Arnold Maria Baron van B. van de G. L. and Ida Charlotte Nicolette Baronesse Selby
xII Den Haag 16-11-1865
79. Maria Louisa Ottolina Niagara Barones van Tuyll van Serooskerken * Niagara Falls, New York 25-7-1847 + huis Clingendaal 18-8-1903; Dr of Vincent Gildemeester Baron van T. van S. and Charlotte Henriette Mansfield
80. Robert Brown * Aldbourne, Wiltshire 25-7-1820 + Copthorne St. John, Sussex 28-3-1902; Surgeon; Son of Thomas B. and Mary Ann Heate
x St. Leonard´s, Streatham 18-9-1845
81. Sarah Few * London 22-2-1823 * Copthorne St. John, Sussex 3-4-1908; Dr of solicitor Charles F. and Elizabeth Resbury
82. William Strapp * Bedfordshire 1826; Railway contractor in St Mathews Redhill (1891); Son of
x ...
83. Elizabeth N. * Staffordshire 1836; Dr of
84. Frederick Shingleton * West Pennard, Somerset 1846 + London-Kensington 10/12-1938; Gentleman in London-Hammersmith (1881); Son of
x London-Kensington 7/9-1877
85. Mary Colbourne * Kensington 1858; Dr of
86. John Williams * London 1850; Brickmaker and contractor in London-Paddington (1891); Son of
x …
87. Catherine N. * London 1849; Dr of
88. Henry Milling * Kingsley, Cheshire 1837 + …; Grocer in Warrington (1881); Son of
x Altrincham 10/12-1873
89. Jane Higginson * Mobberley, Cheshire 10-1-1841; Dr of Thomas H. and Elizabeth
90. Guy Davies * Westmorland 1845 + …; Stone mason (1881); Son of
x Chorley, Lancashire 10/12-1872
91. Elizabeth Crompton * Goosnargh, Lancashire 1855; Dr of
92. ; of
93. ; of
94. ; of
95. ; of
96. ; of
97. ; of
98. ; of
99. ; of
100. ; of
101. ; of
102. John Gilligan * London 1837; Boot maker in Shoreditch (1881) and shoe maker in Hackney (1891); Son of
x ...
103. Ann N. * London 1841; Dr of
104. Thomas Aulsbrook Worthington * ... + before 1881; Son of
x Sleaford 4/6-1858
105. Elizabeth Handley * Osbournby 1829; Dressmaker (1881); Dr of
106. Israel Whetstone * Bedworth, Warwickshire 7/9-1850 + Leicester 7/9-1918; Son of
x Leicester 4/6-1870
107. Eliza Mason * Leicester 1851; Dr of
108. Charles Lovell * Huntingdon 1823; Bankers clerk in Huntingdon (1861), merchants clerk in Leicester (1881); Son of
x ...
109. Marianna E. * Cambridge 1828; Dr of
110. Thomas Hextall * Market Bosworth 1830; Carpenter in Ibstock, Leicestershire (1871); Son of
x Market Bosworth 7/9-1856
111. Mary Ward * London 1832; Dr of
112. William Thomas * ...; Son of
x ...
113. Elizabeth N. * ...; Dr of
114. Edwin Pearson * Bristol 1828; Photographic artist (1861); Son of John P.
x Bedminster, Somerset 11-4-1852
115. Jane Shellard * Bristol 1829; Dr of Robert S.
116. Dougal McPherson * Scotland 1825 + Keynsham 10/12-1883; Steward of Brislington House asylum, Keynsham; Son of
x Bath 4/6-1854
117. Eliza Williams * Bath 1824; Dr of
118. ; of
119. ; of
120. George Giles * Hersham, Surrey 25-3-1810 + Bonchurch, Isle of Wight 9-4-1877; Son of Peter G. en Elizabeth Hone
x 20-8-1841
121. Elizabeth Meadows Betts * ...; Dr of William B. of Deal (landed gentry) en Elizabeth Hayward Ladd; Sister of Edward Ladd Betts of Preston Hall, high sheriff of Kent 1858
122. Richard Smith * Worcestershire 1826; Nursery and seedman master employing 40 men in St John´s in Bedwardine (1851); Son of
x ...
123. Elizabeth N. * London 1829; Dr of
124. Henry Dixon * Liverpool 22-1-1796 + 26-10-1874; Major in the army, retired in Bishopthorpe, Yorkshire in 1851; Son of merchant Henry D. of Brook Farm near Liverpool (son of Jeremiah D. of Gledhow Hall, landed gentry) en Catherine Towneley Plumbe (+11-9-1819, descendant of Edward III through Anne of Exeter)
x 28-7-1826
125. Harriet Amelia Fraser * Nova Scotia 1807; Dr of timber trader and ship builder Hon. James F., Member of Council, Halifax, en Rachel Otis DeWolf (dr of Benjamin D., high sheriff of Hants co., Nova Scotia, and Rachel Otis)
126. Thomas Hutchinson * Stockton-on-Tees, Durham 1812; Landowner and iron merchant in Stockton (1871), county magistrate in Seaton-Carew, Durham (1881); Son of
x Helston, Cornwall 1843
127. Elizabeth Emma Trevenen * Helston, Cornwall 1820/21 + 16-5-1899; Dr of William T.
Burke´s Peerage and Baronetage
Burkes´s Guide to the Landed Gentry
The Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal, Volume Anne of Exeter
with thanks to Philippa Thorp
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